Mayor Linda Lucassen

Appointed Officials 

Steve Rathunde
(847) 546-2790

Marty Nelson 
(847) 546-2790

William Thomey 
(847) 546-2790

Planning Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals 

Meeting Minutes   

Meeting Agendas 

The Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals is a locally appointed government board responsible for preparing and recommending plans and regulations for the Village of Round Lake Park. The governing board is comprised of seven members, with one member serving as the Chairperson. The Board meets as needed, notice of meetings will be posted 48 hours in advance. For questions, comments, or concerns regarding the Planning Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals please use our E-Service feature to request service.         

Committee News

The Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals is accepting applications for new members. Interested applicants should email Mayor Linda Lucassen a letter of interest. 

Send letter of interest to:


Gerald Dietz

(847) 546-2790

Judy Harsch
(847) 546-2790

Alan Welk 
(847) 546-2790

Resource Links 

Kevin MacDonald
(847) 546-2790

Upcoming Meetings